REVIEW: John Carter of Mars Core Rulebook

The John Carter of Mars Core Rulebook is a tabletop role-playing game based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series of novels. The game is published by Modiphius Entertainment.

The game uses a pulp-action inspired variant of the 2d20 System. Players can take on the role of heroes such as John Carter, Princess Dejah Thoris, or the Thark warrior Tars Tarkas, or create their own heroes from a variety of options. The game includes detailed chapters on Barsoomian technology, creatures, and cultures, as well as a step-by-step character generation system.

The 2d20 System is a dynamic, narrative system designed to produce varied and interesting results from dramatic and action-packed situations. It is used in several role-playing games published by Modiphius Entertainment, including John Carter of Mars, Mutant Chronicles, Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed of, and Star Trek Adventures.

In the 2d20 System, characters roll two d20s, attempting to roll as low as possible on each one. The more dice that roll low, the more successes the character scores. The system is designed to emulate and celebrate action-packed, story-driven fiction. It thrives when paired with a setting or theme where competent, determined, often larger-than-life protagonists face tense and perilous situations, and where collaboration and teamwork are vital to success.

John Carter of Mars Core Rulebook does a great job of taking players through the different novels and discussing how the concepts in the books can be turned into gaming content while providing an over-the-top pulpy feel where the characters can confidently take on all challenges.

 John Carter of Mars Core Rulebook can be found at:

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